Monday, September 6, 2010


I made a few tombstones.

I bought the tombstones for 2 dollars each from Dollarama. (I kinda love this store) I painted the names on andmade most of them lighter.

Light Up Pumpkins

I made these light up pumpkins for around 2 bucks each.

I purchased the pumpkins from Dollarama for a buck and I bought 20 tealights for about 15 dollars.

I cut a hole big enough for the tealight to fit inside. It's a dense Styrofoam inside so it cuts pretty well. I put the tealight inside and presto, light up pumpkin with minimal fire hazard.


So I started making some props in July/August.

I made these lanterns for about 2.50 Canadian.

Clay Lanterns from Dollarama for $2
Black Acrylic Paint that I had around (usually buy this stuff for a buck every time I go to a dollar store)
Gold Acrylic Paint

I painted the Clay Lanterns black, waited for them to dry and then painted them gold. I'm happy with their appearance. I will be putting a battery-operated tealight inside and I'm sure they will look pretty.